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Extrusion QC Checker

The Extrusion QC Checker is shown below.

The Extrusion QC Checker combines reliability, stability and flexibility, which are the main keys to its success. It allows for the sheets identifying information to be entered and then, depending on how many sheets the extruder is producing, allows the weight and thickness measurements to be taken. These values are then checked against the standard for that particular sheet to check whether it has passed or failed.

The software also prints in an easy to understand format which is simulated on the data entry screen, again leading to a much greater understanding of where the data should be entered and what it corresponds to. An example of this report is shown below:

The report also shows the valus used in the checking process so that operaters can quickly determine how much to alter the machine if necessary, or how much tolerance they have on the current values.

Benefits of the Extrusion QC Checker

> Clear and Easy entry of data

> Pass or Fail automatically assigned during data entry

> Clear Print out with indication of Failed values

> Sheet specifications are easily Updated and Maintained

> Can be linked to Calipers and Scales via Serial Ports

For more information about the QC Checker please do not hesitate to contact us.




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