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Graphical Traffic Simulator

The current motorway networks within the United Kingdom have to handle volumes of traffic that were probably never predicted when the motorways were first built. These high volumes mean that road works are necessary to ensure that the motorway is not only kept in a reasonable condition but also that it is safe for vehicles to use. It seems ever more noticeable however, that there are road works everywhere and it can sometimes seem that more time is spent sat in traffic jams than is actually spent in flowing traffic.

The Graphical Traffic Simulator provides the ability to look at a simulation of the results of these road works during different periods of the day and also enables the user to take action to try and reduce the congestion caused.

The program allows the users to select the time period to simulate which affects the volume of traffic, add any lane closures which may cause congestion, and also add speed cameras as a possible prevention to the congestion. The user also has the ability to load or save settings entered so that the simulation can be viewed at a later date.

The approach to building the simulator has involved the development of multiple prototypes, each one building on the functionality of the last. The software has also been evaluated in a usability study, which identified points of improvement in regards to the functionality and usability of the software. These were then acted upon to ensure that the finished software met the objectives outlined within the project brief.

The resulting Simulator is shown below. If you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.




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